Bag Project – Reuse That’s Easy, Convenient & Affordable

The Reusable Bag Project

Forgot your reusable bag? We've got you covered!


How many times have you gotten to the checkout stand, cart full to brimming, only to realize you forgot to bring your reusable grocery bags?  In cities with single use bag bans, consumers forget their bags 40% of the time.  What if, in your moment of need, you could buy one of the millions of excess bags stashed in closets and drawers around the city?

The Bag Project is on idefinite hold due to Covid-19.  When circumstances permit, we hope to resume our partnerships with area retailers to offer the option to purchase a stack of two preowned, reusable bags for $1 when checking out.  USE2 sources bags from surplus thrift store donations.  In the thrift store setting, reusable bags have little value, but return them to the point of need and they can go back into service and provide an important alternative to throw away convenience.

USE2 is a grassroots incubator developing the reuse economics of commonplace, household goods.  Beyond solving a specific problem, The Bag Project explores the potential for wholesaling specific types of low value materials that end up concentrated on the back end of traditional resale operations.  Materials such as bags, binders, frames and flower vases.  Learn more about how the Reusable Bag Project fits into our bigger vision in our “About” section.

USE2 Austin is an emerging, social enterprise and we would love your help.  Read about ways you can contribute your time, skills and talents on our volunteer page.

Use the bags you have!

This is a tiny sample of the millions of perfectly good reusable bags that end up in our landfills every day.